Tang Soo Do - Korean Traditional Martial Art of Self Defence

Tang Soo Do teaches mental and physical training which involves the application of co-ordinated agility, dynamic mobility, power, whole body endurance, flexibility and special awareness to complex body movements. These include stances, patterns (forms), breathing exercises, self defence, hand and foot techniques, sparring and free fighting. Tang Soo Do is suitable for both sexes from the age of six upwards and provides a firm basis for personal advancement, fitness and health. Tang Soo Do adheres to the traditional path of self control by instilling self discipline and social responsibility in its members.

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Latvia Tang Soo (Soo Bahk) Do is dedicated to the provision of high quality Korean Martial Art education and training. It intends to build upon the existing productive linkages with existing national governing bodies and to meet any specific needs especially disabled students, women and children.

Tang Soo!

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